Content starts here ALDSP Start Menu for Version 3.2
This page last changed on Mar 18, 2008.

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ALDSP Start Menu Artifacts for Version 3.2

The Start menu provides easy access to components used to develop ALDSP data services:

Start > BEA Products

Start Menu for Typical BEA Products Menu with ALDSP 3.2 Installed

The following table describes the menu options available from the main ALDSP menu.

ALDSP Start Menu Options

Provides access to the ALDSP Examples server and Examples Menu.
Provides access to the WebLogic Configuration Wizard where you can create a new ALDSP-based domain or extend an existing domain to support ALDSP.
ALDSP Administrator's Guide
Data Services Studio
Workspace Studio ("Studio") is the ALDSP Eclipse-based IDE plugin. It was formerly called Data Services Studio.
Examples  Provides links to BEA product examples, including ALDSP (see below).
Online Documentation The ALDSP e-docs home page can be accessed from:

Start > BEA Products > AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.2 > Online Documentation

Provides links to help get started with installed BEA products. For ALDSP, the example domain is started.
Used in conjunction with your BEA Support ID to download any applicable patches and maintenance packs.
Uninstall BEA AquaLogic
Options for uninstalling various BEA products, including ALDSP.

Examples Menu 

The ALDSP Examples menu provides access to server, console, and database operations used by the RTLApp sample application. 

ALDSP Examples Menu

The following table describes the ALDSP Examples menu options.

ALDSP Examples Menu Options
AquaLogic Data Services Console Provides access to the HTML ALDSP Administration Console.
ALDSP Administrator's Guide
PointBase Console Provides access to the PointBase Console. The PointBase database drives the sample data in the RTLApp demo.
Start Examples Server Starts the examples server provided with ALDSP. The server can also be started from within Eclipse.
Stop Examples Server Stops the examples server provided with ALDSP. The server can also be stopped from within Eclipse.
WebLogic Server Admin Console Provides access to the WebLogic Admin Console where some ALDSP data sources are identified and some security configuration is managed.
Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:57